Thursday, December 16, 2010

Michaels 50%

GOOD MORNING! Just a quick post before I start my day.  Take a look at this sweet deal from Michaels.  Print your coupons!!  Click on the picture to print your coupon.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

As Promised!!

Hello everyone!
So sorry I haven't been able to post.  December is a very busy month for me.  Aside from the holidays hustle and bustle I have my wedding anniversary, my birthday, hubby's birthday, brother's birthday, mother in law's birthday, school parties.....etc  To top it off I decided to make myself even busier by participating in a craft fair.  Thankfully it was a success.  I had a great time and met some very wonderful people.  Here are some pictures of my table along with all the goodies I was selling.  If you're interested in purchasing anything let me know.